Tuesday, June 22, 2010

OMG! Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake [PSP]

I got my hands on Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake [FP for short] for the PSP about a week ago and I was actually surprised to find a fun, accessible yet challenging game to play with. The brightly colored cartoon characters move fluidly in game & the control scheme is simple and intuitive [a help page is available to explain the controls & there are in game prompts as well]  makes it a breeze to dive in and get into the action. There are two modes of play available, one being the single player campaign [called Legend of The Fat Princess] and the other a customizable multiplayer [co-op/skirmish] mode. With 6 character classes to choose from [villager, warrior, worker, ranger, priest & mage] all with their own specialties, there are many ways to use them to complete the missions [there are magical items & siege weapons to help you as well].

The single player campaign contains 16 chapters [with a funny storyline I might add] which introduces the characters and background story of FP. As I mentioned before, for the first few missions you are familiarized with the basic controls and commands that is used throughout the game, not to mention the various gameplay modes as well. The concept of the missions itself plays very much like capture-the-flag [or variants of it] such as kidnapping the enemy princess, rescuing your princess, demolishing the enemy throne or [my favorite] team annihilation. Once you get the hang of the mission types, you'll have no problems playing in multiplayer since it's actually the same as the campaign missions, only now you have the option to select what type of game and what maps to play in. There are three levels of difficulty [easy, normal & hard] which makes the A.I [bots] tricky at times but it is not impossible to win. You may get frustrated by the bots that are on your team as they tend to leave the mission to you as the human player.

Multiplayer games are a breeze to setup [with up to 8 players] and the action is fast and nonstop [I can guarantee a good laugh as well] added in are two special game modes [soccer & grim reaper] which means you can play soccer [with bloody hack and slash action] and grim reaper [which grants the player that is able to claim the reaper helmet powers to slay their opponents to collect a set amount of souls to win]. Compared to the campaign, the multiplayer mode is where the fun lies for FP.

Here is the rundown of FP

The Good;
  • Combat is fast, exciting, and bloody  
  • Chicken potions and giant bombs are loads of fun  
  • Planning and executing attacks is satisfying
  • Multiple game modes available for multiplayer.

The Bad;
  • Singleplayer matches may take too long to finish
  • A.I are incompetent 
  • Though fun, multiplayer is limited to 8 human players
  • No voice chat to those playing over PSN

Gameplay Video;

Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake [campaign,character edit & gladiate modes] Gameplay


  1. Also have been playing this Fat Princess too. And yes, it loads of fun. Very simple game play, yet quite satisfying :) and yes, it gore :D

  2. what do you mean the single player takes a lot of time... hmmm... scrap that. got stuck at the dragon level for a whole day! however, i do agree that multiplayer is fun... at first. then it got a bit frustrating as the A.I.s are way too unpredictable. they can either be heralds sent from above or moronic fools that can't tell their left from their right most of the time +sigh+. my take, finish the single player campaign, then look for the maximum number of friends for the full enjoyment of the multiplayer support.

  3. fat princess.....its sound nice game...cm nk try main...

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